Friday, October 27, 2006


Insensitivity : The inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment.

Could this have been the problem with Australia's top Muslim leader? In his sermon, he was reported as saying that women who do not dress moderately as "uncovered meat". He went on to say that" If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside.... and the cats come and eat it, whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem". Maybe he should "meat" with the parents of the Muslim computer engineer who was raped and murdered in Johor. She was covered from head to toe. Of course she didn't stay at home at the time as our government's policy was to educate its citizens regardless of gender and make them productive to support the vision of being a developed nation by the year 2020.

The cleric might not know of such plans or couldn't be bothered with such trivial matters. He had higher aims, to make sure all women were properly covered and stayed indoors! When you give too much power to religious people you can expect a lot of problems. Politicians can be thrown out at the next election but religious people hide behind their 'religious holy books' and it is next to impossible to get rid of them once they are in power.

My question is why did an Egyptian religious man migrate to Australia knowing that women here do not wear the 'hijab'? This is the land of sunshine and beaches, where the people love to surf and swim and sail. Even the Aborigines are not dressed properly by his standards! Why didn't he just stay in the land of 'hijabs' and turbans and long robes and beards? He wouldn't be in trouble now would he? If he had made that statement in Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Afganistan or Bangladesh or Iraq, the people would have clapped their hands and called him their hero. He should go back to Egypt, but I think it's all about personal freedom which you don't get in a Muslim country.

Another example of insensitivity is the 2.00 am raid by religious officers on a visiting American couple in Langkawi, Malaysia who were accused of 'khalwat' (close proximity between man and woman who are not legally married). The American is demanding a written apology from the religious department and compensation for the air ticket he had to buy for his wife who wanted to go back home after that frightening experience.

A new shopping complex, Souq Bukhary, has just opened for business in my city with 'Giant' as their anchor tenant. I heard some non-Muslim girls who wore skirts were barred from entering this complex by the guards! I am not sure if this is true as I have not personally witnessed it. But if it is true, this is no way to do business in a multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious environment. It is not necessary to teach one's customers how to dress in such an environment. How to attract tourists to Kedah????? No wonder the tourists are flocking to Thailand. We have ostriches with their heads in the sand in charge of developing the business in this state.

The same thing happens in Government departments or Government agencies managed by the 'Little Napoleons' who make their own rules. They have the gall to put up notices saying people who are not properly dressed will not be served! These people come to pay bills! The government will of course deny any such rule but will not take action against these 'Little Napoleons' who make their own laws.

The non-Muslims in this country are not allowed to preach to the Muslims. This is law in this country. You can't sell liquor or pork anywhere you like. We have to be sensitive to our Muslim brothers' beliefs. We have learnt to live with each other peacefully and harmoniously for so many years because we respect one anothers' beliefs. That is the key! When we lose this respect and become insolent and insensitive to one another, we will have problems - big problems. I sincerely hope this doesn't happen in Malaysia.


Siva said...

Yes estee, you are so right.

Vi, sounds like Armageddon la ... but I think it's too early for that. I hope I'll be dead by then. I think I have a very low tolerence to suffering after having worked as a government servant for so long..hehehe.

Siva said...

We must look at the facts. Population = 26.8 million.
58% Malays, 24% Chinese, 8% Indians and 10% others. Out of the 24% Chinese, they are divided by MCA, DAP and other smaller parties. The Indians have always been divided, by caste, wealth, religion, the colour of their skin, the colour of their hair, the posts they hold in Govt. service and finally which part of India they or their forefathers hail from. The Indian Muslims can be left out as they consider themselves Malays. So what action are we talking about?

I say try to work out an income-generating idea or project and go for it. After making your bundle go for long vacations and see the world. What do you think of this plan? I know estee has seen a lot of the world, but I need to see some of the wonders of the world before they are destroyed like the giant statue of Budha in Afganistan. I am not sure how long Borobodur will still be around!

Siva said...

If you plan to go to Turkey, get some tips from estee. She went there not too long ago. Beautiful place it seems. I only saw the sites on Globe Trekker. I think it was Megan who did the touring.