Friday, July 06, 2007

Cry For Justice And Fairness

Every day we hear of unfairness, nepotism, corruption and general disregard for the legal system in this country. Scholarships being denied to those who are eligible without any reasons given. Majority of contracts given out to one particular race. Government policies which favour one particular race. There is a cry going out through the land for justice and fairness for all Malaysians regardless of race, creed or colour.

Do we have a choice in leadership? The current leadership have let us down in every way. They talk alot and churn out slogans during their campaign trail but "cakap tak serupa bikin".

What we need is a strong opposition that caters for the Malaysian people which is not race based or religion based. This is the only thing that will unite the people and bring law and justice to this country. We will be able to use all our resources wisely to become strong economically and be politically stable. Otherwise, our resources will soon dwindle and we will be at the mercy of 'profiteering super powers' who will come in to 'help' us as has happened in Iraq, Afganistan, etc.

The last thing we need is a religious based party in this country. We really don't need these clowns who get their training from Pakistan or somewhere in the middle-east and who would like to establish their style of law here. God forbid that this should happen!

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