Saturday, January 06, 2007

Old Age And Health

When one is young, it never crosses the mind about the total well being of oneself. This is understandable as there are too many things to do and there are many new things to learn which occupy our minds.

It is different when you get past middle age and beyond. You begin to think of the dire consequences if certain parts of your body do not function properly. Take for example your brain. What will happen if one day you become senile or mad! If you have a close knit family, the chances are that someone will look after you until you kick the bucket. What if you don't have such a someone?

Or, if you have all your faculties intact but your body is not. You had some problem with your spinal cord and cannot move certain parts of your body. You will also be totally dependant on someone to stay alive. Between the two, I would think the person who went senile or mad is better off. He has no idea of what is going on. The people who suffer most will be those around him and the one who takes care of him. As for the physically handicapped person, he will go through mental anguish as he or she cannot do the many simple things even if he or she wants to. The people close to him or her also feel the pain and the suffering.

Some people would even think of suicide under these circumstances but death is not an option. The appointed time of departure will come as determined.

So, as we approach old age, we must try to stay fit, be choosy about what we eat, read more to exercise the mind and be happy! The rest is in God’s hands.


Siva said...

How about running a nursing home when you retire? Team up with one of your GP friends la. I heard it is a lucrative business.

Siva said...

This subject also came up at our cell group. We wanted to purchase a piece of land and build single storey houses for ourselves with a sort of community hall where you could have indoor games facilities like ping pong, darts, carrom and even a karaoke room.

I guess we were just dreaming of a nice place to stay with friends around us.