Friday, March 30, 2007

Where Is The Religious Freedom?

Any country that is progressing economically will definitely have certain salient points that are very necessary for it to advance. They will most probably have hardworking citizens. There would be law and order to ensure peace and harmony among the citizens. The government of the day would have ensured freedom for its people to practice the religion of their choice, to be able to protest if there is injustice. To be able to seek justice through the legal system. An efficient armed forces to protect the land from invaders and so on and so forth.

We in Malaysia have most of it but of late we see the emergence of intolerant attitudes in religious matters. Those in power somehow feel obligated to favour one party over the other when it comes to religion. Take for example the case of R. Subashini whose husband converted to Islam. He is trying to convert the children too. Subashini is trying to fight for her rights in getting a divorce settlement in the civil courts. On March 13, a panel of judges had ordered Subashini to take her case to the Syariah court! She is a Hindu. Why should she go to the Syariah court to look for justice? The Syariah court is for Muslims. It is a religious court.

How could the honourable judges come to such a conclusion? It shows the hidden forces playing behind the scene. Some people are trying to turn this case into one that is against Islam. It is about the religious freedom that is guaranteed under the Federal Constitution. To deny her the right to take her case to the civil courts is to deny justice to all the non-Muslims. That's what it is. The government is trying to fish for votes in the rural areas or it is worried that the opposition party, namely PAS would condemn it as being un-Islamic. We cannot allow the mullahs or ayatollahs to dictate to us about how we should live.

It is very important that the government make the right decision if we want to have peace and harmony in this land. The government must ensure the rights of every citizen regardless of race or religion. Even in Iraq where the majority are muslims, they still kill each other simply because they belong to different groups. Do we really need this type of Taliban mentality here?

The latest news about R. Subashini is she has obtained a temporary injunction from the Court of Appeal to preserve her civil rights pending her appeal to the Federal Court. I sincerely hope our legal system allows her to fight for her matrimonial rights in a civil court, whatever the outcome.


David BC Tan said...

hear, hear! so can i add you to my list subashini watchers?

Siva said...

Please do.