Friday, December 14, 2007

Arrest, Arrest and more Arrests!

The Malaysian Police have been very busy the past few days and it looks like they will be kept busy with more arrests on the way.

The whole episode of street demonstrations with police water canons shooting water laced with chemicals and baton wielding police charging at the demonstrators could have been avoided if the top brass in the Police Department had used their brains instead of listening to stupid politicians. The media, whether local or international look for news that will bring higher ratings. Boys throwing rocks at the advancing Israeli tanks in Palestine is news. Korean riot police bashing the demonstrators is news. Myanmar’s army crushing the peaceful march by the monks is news. So, when the peaceful march by the Indians in K.L. is violently disrupted by the police, it will make the news. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.

All they had to do, was give the permit for the peaceful rally with conditions relating to the safety of the populace and traffic control while limiting the number of people allowed to approach the embassy. I very seriously doubt that the Queen or the British Government would immediately go into action just because the British Embassy in Malaysia received a petition from a bunch of Indians! But no! They had to show who was more powerful.

It is the right of every Malaysian to differ with the government. We need not be an elected representative to voice our dissatisfaction with government policies as some elected politicians seem to think. The people must not be afraid of the government. The government must be afraid of the people. We put you there and we can take you out. So if a sizeable number of the people have some grouses to voice out, it is the government’s duty to not only listen but to take action on them if they are found to be true. Very simple really.

No need for riot police, bloody clashes, unwanted international media exposure, definitely no need for the ISA and most of all no need for the many silly explanations from the political fraternity. Some of our ministers truly embarrass the nation when they open their mouths and try to speak in English. Listening to one of them on BBC’s Hardtalk and one more bantering with an Aljazeera reporter was enough.

To top it up, we had one Member of Parliament who wanted to remove the crosses and statues of Mary in Christian schools! It seems our country being a ‘Muslim nation’ cannot allow such things. He must have graduated from the Taliban school. One of the leaders of HINDRAF will be charged for uttering seditious words that could incite racial disturbances. So what happens to the MP who insulted the Christians?

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