Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Religious Zealots

When will the politicians in Malaysia come to their senses? This is a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. We have lived in harmony for so many years because we respect each other and are tolerant to each other's peculiarities. Even our religious differences didn't keep us apart. We learnt to live with each other and have prospered this far.

Lately there seems to be an emergence of relgious fanatics who think they are championing their faith by introducing laws and rules based on their religion and want to implement them on the rest of us.

An example would be the dressing of women(it always is about the women for these zealots). The various heads of government depertments started warning the public that they won't be entertained if they didn't dress properly! Properly according to whose standards? Then came the stupid rule about the fine of RM500 for sexy dressing in Kelantan. The next one was about the suggestion that women should wear chastity belt to 'protect' them from rapist! Nothing is mentioned about any study being done on why the men resort to rape. The victims are not always beautiful, sexually attractive females. Little children and even grandmothers are not spared. Shouldn't they start looking at the men for a change to look for the reason?

If that wasn't good enough, now one of the so-called 'elect' among the Muslim society has decided to set up a group which he termed as 'Mat Skoding'. Their job would be to spy on unmarried couples who are having sex and report them. Basically I would describe them as peeping toms. These people in religious departments have never been voted by the people but they seem to be progressively gaining more power as the years go by. Very soon they will have their own religious army! This is bad for the nation.

Politicians can be voted out but these religious zealots hide behind their 'holy books' and once they have power they are almost impossible to be removed - short of a bloody revolution. Our leaders must wake up and put a check to these zealots before it is too late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to comment that your blog is really interesting. I look forward to stopping by again soon.

I really this post about religious zealots; believe me when I tell you that they're everywhere. Unfortunately.

Feel free to stop by my blog and say a quick hello.

--Minty (Chicago, IL)