Thursday, February 22, 2007

Stop Snooping

"Stop snooping" was the instruction given to the Terengganu State Islam Hadhari Committee chairman Datuk Rosul Wahid by the Prime Minister. The PM said there was no need for the policing of the morals of muslims. He went on to say that instead of devoting too much time and effort trying to police the morals of Muslims, state religious departments were better off concentrating on programmes that could strengthen the Islamic values and morals of the community.

Finally there is a voice of reason from the government. Such activities gives a bad image of our country. Such practices must be curbed at the beginning. If it is allowed to bloom then it will be too late and we will end up with situations like in the middle-east and some other muslim countries where the religious police are more powerful than the regular police.

We should be concentrating on strengthening our economy, racial intergration and eradicating the quota system giving equality to every Malaysian. This should be the target of a fair and democratic government. As it is we losing tons of money due to the ridiculous system of awarding contracts based on race. It is time for a rethink for the good of the nation as a whole.


PipeTobacco said...


Thank you very much for commenting on my blog! If you are willing, I would like to place a link to your blog on my own so I may more easily come back to read your writings.

I have only read a small amount thus far, but will be back. I especially like your slide show image. on I had never seen that before and may investigate it for myself.


Siva said...

You are most welcome to place the link on your blog. The slide was added to show some of the sites in my country. Hope you enjoyed them.